District Customers Win Landscape Awards
The Vista Irrigation District board of directors recognized customers for their entries in the district’s WaterSmart Landscape Contest.

The annual contest recognizes outstanding water-wise residential landscapes based on the criteria of overall attractiveness, appropriate plant selection, design, appropriate maintenance, and efficient methods of irrigation.
Lauren Grey won the “Best in District” award. What started out as a project to halt the rush of soil down a steep front slope, turned into a multihued garden with a view from the top; Ms. Grey decided to renovate her front slope and landscape by installing retaining walls surrounded by beds of colorful blooms. She lined the staircase that zigzags through the hillside with a variety of potted succulents; bright orange Poppies, lush green Jade, silvery Ghost Plants and Purple Heart Tradescantia dot the slope. The result is an explosion of color. “What fun to have a beautiful garden and a sweet place to sit and contemplate it all!” said Ms. Grey.
The district also recognized Deborah Brandt and Dorothy Wagemester with honorable mentions. The Wagemesters wanted to conserve water yet create an inviting haven on their property so they replaced their lawn with a meandering hardscape pathway lined with a vibrant palette of drought tolerant choices such as Bougainville, Trailing Buttercups, Sea Lavender and Cape Plumago. The magenta blooms of an Eastern Redbud tree pop against the rich hues of the Foxtail Agaves and Kaleidoscope Abelia. “While spring is our favorite season, we now have color all year long,” Mrs. Wagemester exclaimed.
Deborah Brandt wanted to transform her plain backyard into a magical place. Ms. Brandt started with river rock and began adding cactus and succulents of all shapes and sizes, such as Yuccas and Century Plants, as well as hummingbird favorites like Crocosmias. Over time, she mixed in yard art and chimes to create little surprises sprinkled throughout. Ms. Brandt also installed drip irrigation and two rain barrel water collection systems to reduce her water use. Ms. Brandt “gave away the lawnmower” after she transformed her backyard into a low maintenance, WaterSmart paradise where flowers bloom year round.
If you are ready to transform your yard, now is a great time to take advantage of rebates. Contact the water conservation department at (760) 597-3107 or visit the Conservation page for more information and available rebates.